Saturday, July 4, 2009

What is the purpose of my life ?

Posted by Kian, Ting

What is my purpose in life?

Questioning my Questions of Life?

I was though in a training that we human beings are like answers seeking animals, we never delve around any questions, once given a question we straight away run to get the answer to end the questions, but we must notice it is the questions that drives development, imagine what our world would be like if we stopped at the invention of cars, and never ask the question of flight.

Being with the question is powerful, it opens up new possibilities, it creates new directions, so I figure I mind as well try it, try focusing on my big questions of life, try questioning my questions.

· Why do I need a purpose?

o Because I need a bearing and direction in life.

o Why do you need a bearing and direction in Life ?

· So that I do not waste time.

· Why is not wasting time important?

§ Because time for me is limited, I will die one day, I need all the time I can get to do some thing significant, for my family. I want to die in honor.

§ Why do you need to do something significant for the family?

§ Because I want my life to worth something, because I want my life to be significant.

§ Why do you need your life to be significant?

· Because then I would die in honor, and be in peace, I would be in total peace knowing that I have given out everything I possibly can, I would die in peace if I know that I have tried my best, and outlive to my best potential. I need it to be significant so that I feel at peace.

§ What happens if your life is insignificant?

· I will feel disgrace, and not be in peace, I would feel that I have not done my part in the family and the society, I feel that I have been wrongly given the gift of good brains and good limbs, because I have failed to use them to their maximum potential.

· What does maximum potential look like? What does maximum potential mean?

o Maximum potential means that I have show mastery in one area of life, I have show and contributed to the field of knowledge in one particular area of life, the knowledge that I have contributed was never before discovered, and it was because my diligence and my hard work who had uncover the field of knowledge.

o What area of life do you want to show mastery in?

§ Psychology, mind development,

§ Martial Arts

§ What does significant meant?

· Significant means authentic work and effort that I have given, work of merit which is recognized by other people. Significant which I once not dare to think of is the effects and change brought by me to nations, a contribution, a writing, or speech that open the mind of people and spawn new thoughts.

§ Where are you now in terms of doing something significant?

· I am working in an IT firm doing programming and working as a team lead, a very good role for me to learn and to teach. This is very significant, as I learn to pick up knowledge fast and I lean how to convey my learned knowledge so that lay man can understand them. In short I learn to teach and in turn from teaching I am aware of more on how I perceive and learn as compared to other people.

· Why is finding my purpose in life important?

o Because I don’t want to live an ignorant and wasted life, I want it to mean something, I want it to contribute something, because I know my time in this world is transient, and I know I am a small spec of dust in this earth, but I want to have a work that would out live me, I cant be immortal, but I want to contribute something very important to this world and have my work be immortal.

§ Why is it important that my work be immortal?

· Because I cant live forever,

· I want my work to be immortal so that my generations after me can learn from it and improve there on.

o Why do you want your generation to improve there on?

§ Because I know that in life nothing is given, nothing is free, nothing is absolute, if my generations stop learning, stop to train themselves to be better they will fall again, like the floor without sweeping will be littered with dry leaves, the book shelf without wiping will be lined with dust. Gravity is our constant and best teacher.


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